How do I unsubscribe from your Newsletter?

To unsubscribe from our Newsletter, scroll to the bottom of the email, click the unsubscribe link and follow the prompts.

Where else can I keep up to date with Rural Aid?

You can subscribe to our newsletter in the footer of our website, and follow us on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube & LinkedIn.

What is philanthropy?

This is the charitable giving of larger donations with the goal to improve the lives of others. It is through ongoing support that allows Rural Aid to bring hope and solutions to farmers in need. Rural Aid works hard to develop relationships with supporters and offers philanthropic givers the opportunity to not only make a significant contribution, but also the option to meet and participate with the Farmers whose lives they are improving.

Can I speak with someone about making a significant donation?

Yes, please email and our professional team will contact you as soon as possible. Please be assured that the Philanthropy and Fundraising teams at Rural Aid endorse the Fundraising Institute of Australia code of practice with all enquires and conversations are treated with strict privacy.

How can my company get involved and work together with Rural Aid?

Sign up to hold a fundraiser event here

Where can I find Rural Aid’s Annual Reports?

Our Annual Reports are all on our website here.

How do I make a bequest to Rural Aid?

There are several ways to leave a bequest, dependent on what is best for you and your family.
For information, visit

What is the True Mates program?

On the 31st March 2023 Rural Aid launched its regular giving program. This is an exclusive program for our donors who sign up to give regularly. If you would like to learn more, please click here:

I thought I was a regular giver.

Rural Aid’s data team have worked hard to locate our special donors who give to the charity regularly. If your name has been missed, that is you have not yet received a Welcome to the True mates program, please contact us so we can fix this for you

I want to check/change/increase the amount I am giving regularly.

At Rural Aid we are appreciative of every donation we receive, if you want to change your regular giving amount, please contact us to make this change for you

I did not get my receipt when I signed up for True Mates

Transactions are charged monthly however an annual financial statement is provided at the end of every financial year. To discuss this further, contact us at

Why is it important to join the True Mates program

A True Mate is always there, celebrating the wins, and unwavering when the going gets tough. They know the road to recovery isn’t always fast or easy. A True Mate isn’t just there for a season…they are there for a reason. Be a part of a community that supports over 17,000 Aussie farmers every year.


Become a True Mate today and show our farmers how much you care each and every month.

How does Rural Aid ensure that resources and financial assistance is not misused?

Rural Aid assessed the needs of a recipient prior to providing any assistance and have several verification processes in place. If we do not believe there is a genuine need for assistance, we will not provide it. Once assistance has been provided, Rural Aid does not monitor how it is used by the recipients.

How much of my donation will go to the farmers?

We are committed to ensuring that your donation is used to aid farmers and rural communities. Part of delivering our programs includes overheads and administrative costs, however, we endeavour to keep these as low as possible whilst also ensuring high levels of governance & accountability.

Can I choose how or where the money I donate is spent?

Rural Aid provides support to those Australian Farmers and their communities in need. Therefore, donations are prioritised to meet those with the greatest need. It is therefore the goal of every donation dollar to support all of the Rural Aid programs and services. To find out more about what Rural Aid provides, visit our webpage:

Can I choose how or where the money I donate is spent?

We are continually assessing the needs of farmers and rural communities nationally and prioritising our support to meet the greatest need. Unless you have donated to a specific campaign (e.g., Hive Aid, Buy A Bale), we cannot allocate your donation to a specific cause or location.

Do I get a receipt for my donation? And is it tax deductible?

All donations over $2AUD are tax deductible. You can request an email or postal copy of your receipt, bearing in mind that we do incur an additional cost to mail out. Please ensure you correctly enter your email or postal address details and check your spam and junk mail folders if you do not receive your email receipt.

Do you accept clothing, food, or other items donations?

We are not currently set up to receive physical donations. We can advise that there are several charities that support rural communities in this way including GIVIT.

What is Farm Army?

Visit for more information

How do I know if I’ve been accepted to volunteer at an event?

You will receive confirmation of your registration by email. We will reach out one month, and again one week before the event with specific details.

I have questions about an upcoming event, who can I talk to?

Email our Community Team

Will I need to organise or book my own accommodation?

We will be staying at a Showgrounds or Racecourse for the duration of an event, so you will need your own caravan, camper trailer, motorhome, or tent. However, there will be no additional cost to you.

When does the event start, and how many days will the event run for?

The event typically runs from Sunday through Saturday, with the working week being Monday to Friday. You will need to arrive in town and be set up and registered by 4pm on the Sunday.

What kind of work will I be doing, and what tools do I need to bring?

The work will involve general repairs and maintenance; small construction jobs; fencing; gardening; painting, etc. Where the events are disaster recovery focused, you will be doing recovery work. We suggest bringing a basic tool kit with you; however, we will provide more information on this closer to the event.

What kinds of checks and vaccinations will I require?

To participate as a volunteer in any Rural Aid event, you will need a current police check. We also require all volunteers to be vaccinated against COVID-19.
As you will be working in rural communities and on farms, we highly recommend that your tetanus vaccination is up to date.

Do I need to bring food? What about knives, forks, and plates, etc?

We will provide three meals a day, plus morning tea. One night a week, on the cook’s night off, we encourage you to eat at a venue in town, or you may prefer to kick back in your caravan and eat-in; it’s up to you. Please bring your own knives, forks & plates.

What if I have specific dietary requirements and/or food allergies?

Please let us know in advance of your specific needs and we will try our best to provide appropriate food for you. However, please understand that this won’t always be possible, and you may need to make your own arrangements.

I don’t require assistance right now, why should I register with Rural Aid?

If you are a Primary Producer, you should register with Rural Aid so we know who and where you are. In the instance of a natural disaster in your region, we will be able to activate any assistance you may be eligible for quickly. We may also reach out to you if we are in the area or have location specific aid available.

How does the once off $1000 financial assistance work? Do I need to pay it back?

Before completing the Financial Assistance Application, you must be already registered and be a primary producer. If you are unsure, you can call our friendly team on 1300 327 624. Once you have completed the application, our financial assistance team will review the application and ensure we have the correct details and that you have not already received the one-off assistance. If your application is approved, we will deposit the funds into your nominated bank account, and great news, you don’t need to pay it back as it is a gift! NOTE: Rural Aid’s financial support is available until the allocated funding for specific initiatives is exhausted.

I’m not a primary producer but I still have a farm – am I still eligible for financial assistance?

Unfortunately, no. Our financial assistance is only available to primary producers. We do offer other forms of support such as counselling and information.

Does Rural Aid provide ongoing assistance or just one-off services? Is there any cost to the Farmer for these services?

Rural Aid provides ongoing assistance based on allocated resources and available funding, there is no cost to the Farmer.
Farmers can access ongoing Mental Health & Wellbeing support from one of our qualified counsellors on an ongoing basis, domestic water once every three months and hay dependent on availability, demand, and timing of hay drops to your region.
NOTE: Rural Aid’s assistance is available until the allocated funding or resources have been exhausted.

I don’t have my ABN/PIC/Primary Producer’s declaration on hand – am I able to submit an incomplete form or save and come back to it later?

Rural Aid cannot approve a Farmer’s profile until we can validate the information supplied. Please have all required information and documentation on-hand while you complete and submit your registration. If you need assistance with any part of this process, please contact us.

I don’t operate a livestock farm. Can I still get assistance?

If you are classified as a primary producer and can provide the necessary documentation, you will be eligible to register for Rural Aid’s assistance.

How do I check if I am registered with Rural Aid?

To check if you are already registered with us, please email our Disaster Assistance team.

Now I am registered and verified, how to I apply for assistance?

You can see all of the available services here.

How long does the financial assistance application process generally take?

If all the documents you have supplied are correct, the process generally takes 2-3 weeks, depending on how many applications are coming in.

I’ve received help from Rural Aid in the past, can I still submit an aid request?

If you continue to operate as a Primary Producer, you may be eligible for ongoing assistance through Rural Aid, within our availability and timeframe guidelines.

I receive Farmers Household Allowance/Child Support/Other Government Pensions, am I still eligible for assistance?

Assistance provided by Rural Aid is separate from, and not impacted by any other Government entitlements or support.

I have received assistance from other charitable/non-profit organisations, am I still able to receive assistance from Rural Aid?

Yes, if you are a Primary Producer.

How will my information be used?

Rural Aid understands the importance of your privacy. Please refer to our Privacy Policy for more information.

How does Rural Aid ensure that resources and financial assistance is not misused?

We assess the needs of recipients prior to providing any assistance and have several verification processes in place. If we don’t believe there is a genuine need for assistance, we will not provide it. Once assistance has been provided, we do not monitor how it is used by recipients.

How can I hold a fundraising event to benefit Rural Aid?

If you are interested in running a fundraising event for Rural Aid, please complete this form to receive your Letter of Authority to fundraise.

I can’t host an event, is there another way to fundraise for Rural Aid?

You can create your own fundraising page here. You can then share the page with friends, family, co-workers and your community to help raise funds for Rural Aid to support programs and services provided for our Australian farmers and their rural communities.

I have a green fundraising barrel with money inside it, what do I do with it?

Please email us to organise the deposit of the funds and return the barrel as the campaign has ended and it needs to be destroyed.

What do I do if I want to continue to fundraise after the green barrel has been returned?

You can create a fundraising page and generate a QR code to place on flyers or tent cards within your facility.

I’m registered and verified with Rural Aid, how do I apply to be included in a hay drop?

When we are working in your area, we will contact you to check if you need to be included in the drop. There is a minimum stock count requirement to be included in a fodder drop, and this varies by animal type. The number of bales you are allocated will be based on your stock count and supply/demand in the region.

How much does the hay cost the farmer?

Other than the cost to pick the hay up from a local distribution point, there is no cost to the farmer.

Where does the hay come from?

Rural Aid sources hay from registered hay suppliers in various locations. As per state biosecurity regulations, vendor declarations from hay suppliers are required and forwarded to each farmer distribution drop point for their records.

When does this competition open?

8am (AEST) on Friday, 28 February 2025 and closes at 5pm (AEST) on Sunday, 1st June 2025

Can I build and decorate my hay bales before the competition open date?

Hay bales can be decorated during the period of 28th February 2024 – 1st June 2025

How do I enter the competition?

Take a photo of your unique hay bales and either post on social media with either of the two hashtags #BalesForRuralaAid or #RuralAidHayBaleChallenge.
Alternatively, you can enter through Rural Aid’s website:

Is there a prize to win?

At the close of the competition at 5pm (AEST) on Sunday, 1st June 2025 a group of Rural Aid staff will pick one (1) winner and this winner will be sent a VISA gift card with the value of AUD250.

How will I find out if I have won?

The winner of this competition will receive a call to advise they are the winner and to confirm the address to send the winning prize to.
The winner will also be announced on social media through Rural Aid’s channels, and will also be announced in the July edition of the Rural RoundUp e-newsletter

How do I access Rural Aid’s Mental Health & Wellbeing services?

You will need to register with us, however, you do not need to be a Primary Producer or supply a Primary Producer’s Declaration to be eligible for counselling. Rural Aid’s counselling intake line is available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm AEDST and can be contacted on 1300 175 594. If you are in need of assistance outside these hours, please contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.

What are the minimum qualifications of the Rural Aid counselling team?

All Rural Aid Counsellors are qualified and registered with their governing body, such as the ACA (Australian Counselling Association), or the AASW (Australian Association of Social Workers).

Where, when, and how does the counselling take place?

We want to make this experience comfortable and convenient for you. If you would prefer to meet on farm, over the phone or on zoom, we are happy to accommodate you.

Who can access counselling?

We can provide counselling to all members of the farming household.

Is there a limit to how much, or how often I can access counselling services?

There is no limit to the counselling sessions provided. These will be tailored around your identified mental health and wellbeing goals.

How much does the counselling service cost?

Counselling support is free.

Does Rural Aid work with Multikraft Probiotic Solutions?

Yes, click here to see more.

What is Multikraft Probiotic Solutions?

Multikraft Probiotic Solutions mission is to be inspired by nature to make the word a better, healthier place to live in. “We deliver this though our probiotic technology that is continuously evolving through our innovative culture, combined with our desire to grow for good.” To see more about the Multikraft team, check out

What is the Multikraft Probiotic Solutions MicroLife?

Microlife is a multi-strain probiotic containing dozens of species of beneficial microorganisms. By allowing beneficial microbes to dominate the soil and plants, MicroLife helps to improve the overall health of your plants and crops, while also improving germination, root development, maturing and flowering. For more information, check out

What is the Multikraft Probiotic Solutions Fermented Herbal Extract (FHE)?

FHE supports the healthy digestion and immune system functions in animals. It contains a range of bacteria including Lactobacillus species and yeasts that are fermented with various herbs. For more information, check out

What is Rural Transition Services?

Rural Transition Services has partnered with industry leaders, Next Rural, to deliver transition and succession planning services to farming families.
Next Rural are specialists in business transition and succession planning and, through their proven methodology, have successfully assisted hundreds of farming families and businesses over the past 15 years.
Rural Transition Services is a fully owned enterprise of the national charity Rural Aid, who have provided over 50,000 support activities to farmers across Australia. Not only do clients of Rural Transition Services benefit from a proven transition planning methodology, but if required, Rural Aid can provide additional support with all net proceeds of Rural Transition Services going back to Rural Aid, to continue supporting farmers and rural communities when they need a hand.
To find out more, email

Why Transition and Succession Planning Services

We call it a transition as we see it as a journey of time, with a family working together, to take agreed actions, to achieve their desired future outcomes.
We know that some conversations are not easy and when the dynamic of many stakeholders are involved, it can be challenging to know how to start.

There are many unique issues that make the transition and succession planning of a family farming business complex. A family farm is more than just a business and being able to separate the conversations regarding management, business ownership, property ownership, retirement and family legacy, ensures that healthy family relationships are developed or maintained, and stakeholder expectations are clearly communicated.

Providing clarity and certainty with a clear path of what the family wants to achieve and where they want to get to, requires an agreed and documented approach of how they will get there.

Providing certainty, clarity and family harmony are at the heart of what we do and why we do it.

To read more about these services, click here

How can I volunteer with Rural Aid?

Create a profile and volunteer through Farm Army. To enquire about volunteering at the Rural Aid Head Office, contact us.

I’m registered and verified with Rural Aid, how do I apply for domestic water assistance?

You will need to be registered with Rural Aid, then you can review the services available and where you can read about, and apply for, Domestic Water

How many litres of water will I receive in the delivery?

The number of litres of water we can deliver is dependent on the water carters’ capacity.

How often can I receive a load of domestic water?

Rural Aid coordinates domestic water deliveries to assist farmers in need of household water. All farmers registered with Rural Aid can request a load of domestic water once per quarter, per farm. We will then use a local water carter to deliver a load of potable water directly to your house tank. We can work with your allocated water carter or find a local licenced carter for you. If you would like to request a load of water, you can email us directly.

What if I don’t have a regular water carter?

The water coordinator can work with your allocated water carter or find a local licenced carter for you. For more information email the Disaster Assistance team.

Can I get water for my livestock and/or dams?

No. Our program only allows for the delivery of potable water for domestic use.

I’ve already paid for a water delivery, can Rural Aid reimburse me?

Rural Aid cannot reimburse you for a water delivery you have already paid for.