Rural Aid—Donate Your Recycling Refund

Do you want to help the environment and support Aussie farmers? Well, this is the initiative for you! Each year, plastic pollution continues to overwhelm the environment, but reverse vending is a way you can help reduce the impact of disposed plastic products and make a difference to farmers facing hardship. In partnership with Tomra, we're excited to introduce this simple and effective container deposit scheme.

When you return eligible bottles, cans, and other drink containers to a designated recycling point, the refund you receive—usually 10c per item—can be donated directly to Rural Aid. So not only are you reducing landfill, you’re also helping fund Rural Aid’s vital assistance programs.

Every container counts, and together we can make a substantial difference. Donate your recycling refund today and be a part of the change!

Get in touch

How to use the container deposit scheme in your state

Make an Enquiry Here