Viewing life on the farm with hope and positivity.
By Liz Bellette-Stubbs
Toad and Amanda Heffernan view life positively on the farm. Toad, a 6th generation dairy farmer from the beautiful Bega Valley in south-eastern New South Wales, has experienced drought, fire and multiple floods, yet views life with hope. He showed this when he married the love of his life, Amanda, in 2019 with their twins, Lenny and Laila, present.
“The sun will always come up tomorrow mate,” he says with a smile.
“Farm life can be stressful when you have to work around the weather or disasters.” Toad says.

This attitude, of being able to “roll with the punches” and understand what you can and can’t control in life, is vital to looking after your mental health, particularly when it comes to farming. Sometimes this is easier than others and this is where connecting with one of the Rural Aid counsellors can help. If you notice yourself stuck, are finding it difficult to make decisions or feel like you keep getting knocked by things that would usually roll off your back, a chat with one of our team might be just what you need to clear your head and help you get back on track.
Farm life is special to Toad and Amanda because their children are experiencing a unique lifestyle. “It’s important to give them the experience of playing outside. My children are developing resilience by playing freely on the farm. I don’t worry about a bit of dirt on them,” says Amanda.
The couple know about the importance of being prepared for all eventualities. Toad, a member of his local RFS said, “We need to prepare for hard times. I have signed up with Rural Aid now, before I need them. ”
Amanda reflected on the importance of signing up with Rural Aid, “I knows where I can get support. Staying healthy in mind and body is important to our family.”
Rural Aid offers free counselling by phone, online and face to face on the farm.