The Importance of Fun

The Importance of Fun.

By Cheryl Calder
Rural Aid counsellor and community representative

Sometimes, as we grow up, life becomes hard, and we stop having fun. We know now more than ever that life can be all too serious sometimes. There are so many things happening to us and around us that it can sometimes cause us to forget the importance of having fun, especially as a family. Having fun as a family is important for building strong relationships and identity in your family. When families have fun, taking the time to enjoy each other, letting go and being spontaneous, bonds can be built that last a lifetime. When you have fun with your family you are setting an example to your children as well as planting valuable seeds for the future. In addition, having fun as a family can help everyone set the groundwork for a life less troubled by mental health issues and physical health problems.

It can be hard to step away from the things that occupy us to make time to be with our family to have fun. There will always be something that needs doing, some other place to have to be, or our minds are too busy to slow down. But everyone needs to find a way to be in the moment, to find a restorative state that allows them to let go of their struggles and stresses, even just for a time.

Fun doesn’t have to be complicated or cost lots of money, and fun is different for everyone. There is no right or wrong, and part of the fun can be working out together what fun looks like for different members of the family. It is good if everyone gets a chance to talk about what fun makes them happy.

Here are some simple ways of having fun together that won’t empty your pocket as well:

  • Have a campfire, toast marshmallows and tell fun stories
  • Play games.
  • Go for walk together
  • Create your own obstacle course
  • Turn off the lights and have a dance party with flashlights.
  • Make mud “soups” with flowers, leaves, sticks, pieces of paper, old dry beans…anything you can find.
  • Build a cubby house with couch cushions, blankets, tables, chairs and the mop.
  • Build things together
  • Lie outside and watch the stars, see who can spot a falling star first
  • Go for a random surprise treat
  • Play tag or hide-and-seek
  • Go for a picnic
  • Go on a foraging hunt: Give the kids baskets and lists of things to find (white feather, black stone, yellow leaf…)
  • Make ice cream sundaes out of any random sweet ingredients in the house.
  • Rub your feet on the carpet and shock each other.
  • Put bubble beards on in the bath.
  • Make a secret hideout out of cardboard boxes.
  • Make pizzas that look like faces.
  • Look for the rainbow in the spray of the garden hose.
  • Birdwatching
  • Go on a hike
  • Learn something new together

These are just suggestions, there are so many things that you can do to have fun together that creates a strong sense of wellbeing for everyone. Give it a go and enjoy the benefits of being a family that has fun!

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