Coping with Fatigue

Coping with Fatigue

Written by: Rod Galvin

Counsellor and Community Representative, Rural Aid


At the moment, it feels like there is a constant bombardment of negative news and events facing our daily lives. Weather events are like nothing we have experienced before, concerns about climate change are becoming stronger, staff are still extremely hard to find, and Covid-19 hasn’t stopped impacting our lives. These factors all have an effect on our emotional and physical wellbeing.

Lately, we may have found ourselves totally focused on the ‘doing’ of day-to-day life, without considering how our bodies are responding.

It can be helpful to keep an eye on a few signs that indicate if you’re struggling with fatigue.

Like the analogy of placing a frog in a pot and gradually heating it, we seem to take on more and more in our lives until it becomes unbearable. It can be difficult to stop when there is so much that needs to be completed. This can cause feelings of overwhelm and fatigue.

Signs to look out for include changes in sleeping and eating patterns, becoming short tempered, struggling to focus on tasks, or withdrawing from your normal social interactions.

If some of these ring a bell for you, the question then becomes what you can do to support your wellbeing. At times, it is not possible to remove yourself completely from the situation, as daily life goes on and responsibilities continue. But the good news is that there is plenty you can do, even with a busy life.

It is vitally important to take some time for yourself. These moments can be quite short;1 or 2 minutes watching the sunset, time spent caring for pets, sitting and watching the stars, enjoying an open fire, or sitting a sharing a moment with a loved one. Focusing time on caring for ourselves improves our ability to care for others. It’s a great place to start if you feel fatigue getting the better of you.

It seems like a small action, but by spending a few minutes a day absorbed by an action that brings you joy, you are doing your tired brain a huge service! Your fatigued brain is craving any chance for reprieve. Spending two minutes watching the sunset might just give you the extra energy and breathing room to tackle the rest of your night. Two minutes in front of a red, rural sunset could give you twenty minutes of solid action when you’re doing the books later that night.

If you’re battling feelings of fatigue, you can also call the Rural Aid counselling team. We have great tips that we can personalise to your life, to help you get back on track. Give us a free call on 1300 175 594 Monday to Friday to see if counselling is right for you.

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