Together with their team and customers, Woolworths Group have now contributed over $10 million to their S.T.A.N.D. Program (Supporting Those Affected by Natural Disasters) to help communities, particularly in times of natural disasters such as the devastating floods that hit WA, Vic and NSW in F23.
Friday initiative, which is a yearly event that raises funds for beneficiaries focused
on creating long-term benefits for rural and regional Australia. The partnership with Rural Aid
began in 2019 during one of the most severe droughts in recent memory — Morgans has a strong
connection with regional and rural Australia through its branch network and wanted to support
farmers doing it tough. This support has continued each year and is bolstered by many supporting
companies, their clients, staff and friends.
in. We deliver this through our probiotic technology that is continuously evolving through our
innovative culture combined with our desire to grow for good®.

conservation and provide much needed water donations to rural and farming communities. Finish has
donated over 19 million litres of water and over 100 water tanks to drought-affected Australians
through their ongoing partnership with Rural Aid via their #FinishWaterWaste initiative.
in wholesome food offering. Proudly Australian family owned and operated, Rinoldi’s portfolio of
brands includes award-winning Vetta Pasta and Vetta Flour and The Kind Harvest Co. who are proudly
supporting Rural Aid’s farmers.

stories share the latest in sights into that journey – and our perspectives on what it takes to
sustain our exceptional quality and commitment.

Elanco is a global leader in the research, development and commercialisation of products that improve the health and well-being of animals and deliver even greater value to veterinarians, livestock producers and pet owners.
Guided by the principles of Elanco Healthy Purpose™, the sustainability initiative underscores its commitment to advancing the wellbeing of animals, humans, and the planet.
Elanco is a generous sponsor of numerous industry organisations and other initiatives that enhance the viability and prosperity of the Australian animal health industry.

Become a Corporate Partner
Kim Gracey M: 0417 965 909 | E: kim.gracey@ruralaid.org.au